Stiftelsen vil takke Marius Nesse og familien for en hyggelig hilsen og tilbakemelding etter at Marius mottok Spirit of Hockey stipendet i mars.
Marius skriver at han har hatt stor glede av ”Winkler Stipendet 2014”.
Stipendet gav han mulighet til å være med på Sweden Select i Boston i Mai, i tillegg til å fornye deler av hockeyutstyret sitt. Han skriver ”det er en ære å få stipendet, tusen takk!”
Hockeysesongen 2014-2015 startet dessverre ikke så bra for Marius. På NTG’s årlige tur til Minnesota i september slo han opp en skade i skulderen og ble satt ut i 2 måneder. Det går heldigvis fremover og han regner med å være i gang igjen ganske snart.
Vi ønsker han god bedring og en flott sesong videre!
The Foundation would like to thank Marius Nesse and his family for an exciting update on his career since he received the Spirit of Hockey grant in March.
Marius tells us in his letter that he has had great use of the ” Winkler Scholarship 2014 “.
The scholarship gave him the opportunity to be part of Sweden Select in Boston in May 2014, in addition to renewing some of his worn out hockey equipment. He writes “I’m so honored to have received this grant , thank you!”
The hockey season 2014-2015 had an unfortunate start for Marius. During NTG ‘s annual trip to Minnesota in September 2014 he struck up an old injury in his shoulder that put him off the ice for two months . The injury is slowly healing and he expects to be on the ice again very soon.
We wish him all the best and good luck with the season!